• How To Create a page On Facebook And Earn Money 2022

    Post select content to your site’s main FB page This is what I do mostly. What happened is that in July 2022 I noticed a slight spike in FB traffic. I took a look at the page insights and noticed that one type of article was getting really good results. By results, I mean shares, likes, and clicks. Interestingly, it was just one type of article out of many that I published on that site. What I did was I started solely publishing the type of articles that was getting good engagement and a high number of clicks. It worked like crazy. At first, one out of 7 to 10 posts would get 30+ shares and send a nice spike of traffic. However, after a month, one out of two posts were performing well and still are. This means I no longer post everything to Facebook. I only post the blog content that gets good results. I”m able to fully control this using Meet Edgar. My VA posts the specifi

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    How to Make Money on TikTok: Monetization And Influencer

    Can you make money on TikTok?The short answer is: Yes, you can make money on TikTok. But just like painting a picture or determining your ex’s ex’s relationship status, making money on TikTok requires a little creativity. While there are official, app-funded methods of earning cash (see Strategy #4 below), there are plenty of other ways that you can make money on the platform—even if you don’t have a ton of followers. Similar to social media creators active on other platforms, many TikTok users have already reached financial success through the app. And while TikTok may seem like a new frontier, the strategies you can use to make money will probably look familiar (check out our guides to making money on Instagram and Youtube). Know Your Competitors Want to make money on TikTok? First, you need to understand how easy or tough it will be for you to do that by checki

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